Hello! Last sunday was another raw picnic and it was sensational! I do love living in Perth - it is supposedly WInter here but the day was so warm and sunny that I wound up taking my shoes and socks off and wiggling my toes in the grass! It was brilliant!
Oh and then there was the food... Y U M! It's raw - really it is! I know I know, look at that pizza and you won't believe it but it is. I didn't get to try quite everything because there were so many people there (which was excellent) but I didn't mind. Also, one of the chocolate pies was made with honey (I always ask if anything has honey) so I gave that one a miss. Some of the stuff was AMAZING but to be honest, some of it tasted too 'real' - I ate a single forkful of the coleslaw, which contained somehing have never had before, apple cider vinegar. To me it tasted sour and 'off,' like it had been sitting around fermenting (which, I suppose, it had!) And I had some guacamole which was nice but if I hadn't already taken my socks off I reackon the salt would have knocked them off, lol - I was trying to get the taste out of my mouth all afternoon. The pizza tasted insanely realistic and was also super salty. I'm just so used to the simple pure deliciousness of fruits all by themselves! The lasagne was INCREDIBLE though, and I'm actually planning to make it tonight for myself. I took an apple pie and some chocolate, whch everyone loved. There was a little cake left over and my mum took it to work for a birthday celebration - she works with a (non-raw) vegan who absolutely ADORED it, which was nice. :-)
Without further ado, pictures:
This is my apple pie. Just add this t the list of recipes I promise to put on the other blog soon, lol!
Okay, at 12 o'clock we have the pizza. Moving clockwise are brownies (in the rectangular blue container), a chocolate pie thingy (in the oval white dish), a little teeny bit of the honey-pie is visible to the right of that, then my apple pie again, down the bottom are some books that Dani bought to lend to people (I borrowed Green for Life by Victoria Boutenko. Read it. Now.) The large glass bottle contais grapefruit juice, then there's some sliced tomato and avocado, at about 9 o'clock are some flax crackers wit a dip that was actually leftover filling from the INCREDIBLE lasagne which is just to the left (did i mention it was DELICIOUS??). Above that and to the left is the innards of a durian - I looove durian but I thought I'd let thoe who had never tried one eat it. Apparently it was very good (new season, only just shipped in from Thailand). To the right of that is a salad and above it is the coleslaw. Smack bang in the middle is dip, from recipe in Alissa Cohen's book Living on Live food. It was yummy, but a bit too rich and (again) salty for me. Phew! Did you get through all that??
Right, this one shows you the whole Honey-pie (at about 11 o'clock), some fruit nut balls rolled in coconut, the chocolate pie, and some spiralised zucchini pasta with two little pots of garlic sauce to go with it. Too hot for my little tongue!!
This one's just a close up of some things you've already seen.
Lastly here's something I made last week. I thought it looked stunning (why you get 2 pictures) but tasted pretty yuck. Pooh. I think my young coconut was past it's best, which doesn't help matters but as I said to mum - I keep seeing young coco in savoury recipes and trying it, but I just don't like it. Young coco is amazing alone and great in sweet reipes o frm now on that's the only way I'm eating it!
Have a fantabulous day everyone!