Friday, May 23, 2008

Yummy Yums!!

Guess what? I have a recipe for you! A real, honest-to-goodness recipe, that is super delicious! I created it out of nothing this evening, which is probably not what you would expect from someone who had been out of the house working for 10 1/2 hours and had to get packed and ready to catch a plane at 6.20am the following morning... but I was feeling more inspired to create than I have in a loooooong time. My parents are out, so I cranked up the radio and had a lovely relaxing un-cooking session, with wonderful results. I achieved exactly what I wanted to first time, which is always lovely in the kitchen!

I call it Glistening Green Fruit Medley (avocados, zucchinis, capsicum and tomatoes are all, botanically speaking, fruits).
Glistening Green Sauce
1 large avocado
1/4 cup parsley
80 mLs of celery juice
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 large basil leaf
Fruit Medley
2 small yellow capsicum
1 1/2 punnets cherry tomatoes
1 spring onion
generous handful snow pea or sunflower sprouts
lots of fancy lettuce mix (aka mesclun)
1/2 a zucchini

To make the sauce combine all ingredients in a blender and blend till smooth.To make the medley, begin by thinly slicing the capsicum and spring onion; halve the cherry tomatoes, finely chop the lettuce and create zucchini noodles using a spiraliser. Add all ingredients to a large bowl and toss with sauce, then serve and enjoy slurpily!

As you can see, I took quite a number of artsy photos of this and while they are not perfect I really quite like them! Good considering the poor lighting, at least!

I'm sorry this has been such a short post but as I mentioned, I have a plane to catch early in the morning... my best friend in Adelaide just got engaged, and I'm flying back for the party to surprise her!!! Soooo exciting. I'll try to get back soon but meanwhile, enjoy life and eat your greens! :-P


At 6:15 am, Blogger Cherry said...

That recipe sounds great, but what's a punnet? Your photos look fabulous! Congrats to your friend on her engagement. By the way, right now I'm doing a 10 day raw cleanse! If you want to know more, see my latest blog post.

At 12:11 am, Blogger Candi said...

yum! Thanks for the recipe. The photos are great!!!!

At 10:26 pm, Blogger Zara said...

Oh wow. I love these great simple recipes.

At 2:45 am, Blogger Cherry said...

You've been tagged with a meme, so my blog for details!

At 5:18 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

love th blog but update more, i am feening! lol

At 1:44 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That looks delicious!

At 10:04 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Planes cause alot of pollution...

At 3:49 am, Blogger Leslie Richman said...

This looks great!

At 1:46 am, Anonymous Dauntless said...

Now THIS I must try.... for lunch today!

At 7:14 pm, Blogger expertshelp said...

According to how you explain your day's schedule, it is hard to figure out how you get the time to prepare such nice and delicious meal. The important thing is that you have shared with us about the recipe, its one that i haven't tried yet and i think that i will be trying it very soon. Thank you very much for sharing such nice and great information.
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At 5:52 am, Blogger nader galal said...

فريق العمل ذا أعداد ضخمة وهذا الأمر يعني انك عندما ترغب أن تحصل على الخدمات المختلفة فسوف تحصل عليها على الفور حيث أن الشركة ليس لديها قوائم انتظار وبناء على ذلك فإنك سوف تحصل على الخدمات في الوقت الذي يتم تحديده بدقة، وذلك لأن فريق العمل في الشركة كبير ويمكنه أن يقدم خدمات دقيقة، ويمكن أن يعمل الفريق بهذه الخدمات في عدة مكان في نفس الوقت حيث أن الشركة تمتلك أسطول تقدم شركه الصفرات افضل العماله المدربه ونحن ملتزمون بتقديم ضمان للعميل علي جودة الخدمة المقدمة المتفق عليها مسبقا مع مندوبناونحن فى شركه الصفرات نسعى لتقديم افضل خدمه بأفضل الاسعار على الاطلاق نحن فى شركه الصفرات نهتم بأدق التفاصيل لأداء الخدمه لعملاء الكرام فقط تواصلو معنا نصلكم اينما ىكنتم فى انحاء الرياض تقدم شركه الصفرات افضل العماله المدربه ونحن ملتزمون بتقديم ضمان للعميل علي جودة الخدمة المقدمة المتفق عليها مسبقا مع مندوبناونحن فى شركه الصفرات نسعى لتقديم افضل خدمه بأفضل الاسعار على الاطلاق نحن فى شركه الصفرات نهتم بأدق التفاصيل لأداء الخدمه لعملاء الكرام فقط تواصلو معنا نصلكم اينما ىكنتم فى انحاء الرياض

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