Friday, March 30, 2007

I'm on Holidays!

Or vacation, as all the americans out there would put it. We lots of people from the US and Canada in my course, one said to me as we were leaving yesterday afternoon "By Freedom, have a nice vacation" and I almost burst out laughing. Vacation is not a common word here!
Anyway, what this means is that I can post more regularly for the next two weeks (although I do have lots of studying to do!)
So for today I have for you just a little bit of what I bought at the market last week:

Someone asked me in a comment the other day how much I spend on groceries each week. I don't know anything about exchange rates so I'm just going to tell you in Australian dollars - it's about $75 - $80 AU a week. That is spent on organic produce that I buy at an organic growers market where prices are very reasonable. What you can see in the picture above is only a small percentge of the total of everything I bought - there was also a couple of rockmelons (cantaloupe), lots of pears, several bunches of greens, plus a few veggies. Some weeks I also spend a bit more on something that I use less of, eg sheets of truly raw nori, truly raw cashews, chickpeas for sprouting etc - I always buy those things in bulk. So that's my shopping costs!

After I took that fruit photo I was goping to take a cute piccie of Casper but her wanted his dinner and wouldn't stand still so this is the best I've got:

I am going to be making some scrummy raw chocolate treats today for a pre-Easter treat to share with fellow volunteers at PAWS so I will take some pictures and post them - I also have some pictures from The Big Veg Out that I will share soon.
I just posted a yummy new recipe on my recipe blog, so check it out here.


At 11:53 am, Blogger urban vegan said...

I guess that means that I am "on holiday," too!

It's funny the differences in language between even people who speak the same language. When I was at University ("In college," we Americans say), I roomed with a girl from Liverpool, UK. When she came to get our friends for dinner, she said "I'll knock you up around 6." We burst out laughing. "Knock you up" in American means "get you pregnant."

Have a wonderful vacation.

At 11:32 pm, Blogger Freedom said...

It is pretty amazing isn't it UV?! Here in Aus 'knocked up' means pregnant too, but we don't use it commonly and I think it might only have come from American tv and movies. Even differences across the one country are incredible, there are sayings common in Eastern australia that we never use here in the west.

Michaela, on behalf of the animals and the environment and your own health, I would like to thank you for making the transition to veganism. I am so incredibly happy that my words have inspired you so much. The change from vegetarian to vegan can be a big one but trust me, it is not as hard as you could think. There are lots of little things you have to look out for in places you wouldn't expect them, like whey powder in bread, but once you know what you're looking for it's easy-peasey! :-) Please keep checking back and leaving messages, I'm happy to answer any questions you may have!

At 6:36 am, Blogger Valerie Winters said...

Nice fruit bowls.

At 1:12 pm, Blogger Joshua Galbraith said...

Dear Freedom,
My name is Josh, and I have gone all raw vegan for a couple months within this past year. I have no problem being vegan, but when it comes to the raw part, I struggle with giving up the cooked food. I desire to maintain 100% raw for the rest of my life. When I'm raw I have more energy, I look and feel healthier, I think more clearly, and I find my spiritual life is enhanced. But with these benefits I still struggle with the discipline that I need to maintain this life style for any length of time. It's not like I go off the raw life style, that I go eat junk food, but still what I eat is still less nutritious. My question to you is how do you discipline your self to go and stay completely all raw? Does the rest of your family eat the same way? And do you ever start feeling satisfied with eating just raw food? Thanks for providing this very informative blog!

At 9:57 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great to have you back blogging.

At 9:08 am, Blogger Freedom said...

Thanks Valerie (that reminded me of those t-shirts girls wear... don't know if you've seen them... thay say 'nice melons.' Hehe!)

Thanks Em, I'm glad to be back and I'm looking forward to more regular blogging for the next two weeks!

Wow Josh, that is the kind of comment I like to get! It is wonderful that you desire so strongly to be a raw vegan, both for the animals, the environment and yourself. I'm also glad that you can recognise how much better you feel, physically and emotionally, when eating raw.
For me it is not a case of discipline - I eat only what I want to eat. I think I must be very lucky, as I have never had cravings for cooked food. I live with my parents and I cook vegan meals for them every night, as well as vegan treats like cookies etc but I never desire to put any of that in my body. Partially because I know it is toxic to me and will do my body no good, partially because I know it won't taste that good anyway, but mostly because I simply have no desire to do so. I like to think I live a very natural life so I think of it as 'would a cow, a natural herbivore, eat a piece of meat placed before it, raw or cooked?' Of course not. I can test this theory with the rescued guinea pigs who share my home - also natural herbivores. They don't eat foods that are unnatural to them unless perhaps they were starving and had no choice - for me it is the same. Cooked foor is unnatural, plain and simple.

Having said all this, I know many many people do experience extreme cooked food cravings - many prominent raw food writers like David Wolfe admit that cooked food is an addiction no different to alcohol, so don't feel it is your fault for wanting cooked food. I know long term (eg 8 years) raw fooders who occasionally eat something cooked at a restaurant etc and are not tempted to return to cooked food, whereas others can spend several days bingeing on garbage if they taste even a single morsel of bread. It is a very personal thing I think.

I hope this has helped you and I would be very keen to hear from you again. You can email me at if you would like to talk further!!
Freedom :-)

At 11:29 am, Blogger Jennie said...

Hey Freedom, you get a lot of bang for your buck at your organic markets don't you? I've just spent $50 at ours and ended up with about a 1/4 of what you have on in your photos. Lucky you!


At 9:49 am, Blogger Freedom said...

Wow that sucks Jen, especially because I got a lot more than just what's in the photos (plus the photos include a big bowl of lemons that I got free from our next door neighbour).
I used to pay waaaaay more than I do no, but then I discovered the organic farmers market I go to now. I'm not sure what it's like where you are, but try investigating so you can find a farmers market.

At 1:08 pm, Blogger Dori said...

Great looking food for your holiday! With lots of great choices like that laying around it would be easy to have a raw day. I am not raw definitely eat my share of fresh fruits and veggies, I would have a very difficult time not eating what I cook.

At 12:44 pm, Blogger Jennifer C. said...

Hi Freedom, Thanks for posting your yummy recipes! I'm going to try the mushroom pizzas soon. Somehow I've managed to stay raw for 3 months, but it hasn't been easy. I keep waiting for the energy and great health part to start. I'm just getting over the worst cold of my entire life! Hopefully it will be easier from here. Glad you will posting more during your holiday!

At 4:48 pm, Blogger Jennie said...

Jennifer C, congrats on three months! What a milestone. You are doing super well!!!

Freedom, I just wanted to add that I really love the way you present your food. The beautiful bowls that the fruits are in are just gorgeous.


At 3:21 pm, Blogger KleoPatra said...

i love Casper!

Hope you enjoy your holiday, Freedom.

Be free, my friend! Enjoy life!


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