Monday, November 26, 2007

It's here it's here it's here!!!

Summer that is! Yay! Well, technically there are about 4 more days of Spring but you know what, it's close enough for me! We've had a few days at over 35 degrees C and there are little mini-tomatoes appearing on the plants all over or backyard (literally, those things are popping up out of the compost all over the place) but you know what really convinced me that the best season of the year was upon me? STONE FRUIT!! Well, more correctly, organic stone fruit (conventional stuff has been in the shops a few weeks but I've pushed away my desires and been patient and now it's paying off! Right now I am drinking a green smoothie with scrummy little nectarines in it and earlier today I ate... AN APRICOT!! And not just any apricot but one that grew in OUR BACKYARD! Now, I love apricots. I really do. Sadly, they have vary short availability - so it's important to get lots when you can, lol! I was amazed and delighted to get one from our tree, as we only planted the tree a few months ago shortly after we moved in and so it's very small. It did have four apricots at one stage but three of them got knocked off in a storm - I've been watching the survivor for well over a month, as it grew and grew, crossing my fingers that birds wouldn't get it before I did. It was one of the biggest apricots I've ever seen (I guess that happens when it's the only one on the tree!) and it was... DELICIOUS!
Have a fabulous day everyone, even those in the northern hemisphere where the sun isn't shining!


At 10:44 pm, Blogger Jennie said...

Oh Freedom. I am envious! In our last two Melbourne homes we had really old and large apricot trees and they were so nice. Nothing quite like a home grown apricot is there?


At 12:21 am, Blogger Jen said...

Oh, I'm sooooo jealous! But I know your fantastic summer food photos will brighten my dreary winter days :-) Especially the fresh fruit, which is what I really miss most about summer. Enjoy the sunshine, Freedom!

At 4:32 am, Blogger Green Eyes, Green Heart said...


I'm new to your blog, and I must say, I think it's fabulous!

I was wondering if you were familiar with a site called G Living? It's a site completely devoted to the green movement! =]
Also, they have a TON of raw recipes!
Here is the link:

I'm a vegan (who also doesn't eat refined sugar, high fructose corn syrup, or hydrogentaed oils), and am very interested in raw foods. I recently got a great deal on a Cuisinart 11-cup food processor, and was wondering if you happen to know of any dehydrators that are cheap but will work well?

Keep up the great work!


At 1:05 pm, Blogger Peace, Love and Veganism said...

How funny to read about summer when we are just approaching winter? But I really couldn't imagine Christmas without snow. My relatives live in Sydney, and we always got a kick out of their Christmas stories (wearing shorts and going swimming)! God - fresh apricots beat the dried ones any day! And I love your post about being a vet! My sister is a vet and only recently went vegetarian - it took her awhile to see what you do, but I think her perspective is more anti-factory farm more than anything.

At 9:31 am, Blogger bazu said...

Yes, add me to the list of jealous northern hemispherites, who's shivering under my blanket, wishing for stone fruits! And tomatoes!


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